It's Time For Some Throw Rug Warmth

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.
— John Steinbeck

Nothing says "welcome to bunkering down in cosy comfort" quite like a throw rug.

So if you popped yours away over Summer, it's time to bring them out and throw them around (I leave mine out all year).

Now let me share my tips on how to throw that throw rug for perfect placement.

>>> Always drape that throw over the edge of the arm (or corner of backrest and arm) and back down under everyone's bottom (so they have to sit on it or at least a half of it) and cement it into the crease with a throw cushion (or two).

Photo credit: Temple &Webster

Photo credit: MissAmara

Photo credit: Temple &Webster

Make it seem purposeful as if it's there to soften the seat even further or to double wrap over half of your guests legs once they fall asleep (after that rather full glass of gorgeous red wine).


>>> When it comes to placing your throw onto your bed. Make sure that the throw rug is touching one of the end corners of the bed. It doesn't have to reach both edges or even go very far onto the bed. Just cement it by touching one end only (closest to the door works best). This gives the illusion of the rug being thrown effortlessly without much thought after you finished wrapping it around your naked body (as you grabbed the morning paper from the front porch).

As if it drifted as you threw it back and it only made one corner. So relaxing...

Photo credit: Temple &Webster

Photo credit: Domayne

Photo credit: Adairs

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is time for home.
— Edith Sitwell

P.S. Are you ready to turn your home into a beautiful calm space of abundance? >>> Click here <<< to learn more about my program: Interior styling for abundance in the Southern Hemisphere.