The story
Most women spend far too much time, money, and energy on clothes they never touch. I know because I was once in your shoes (all 50-odd pairs of ’em).
I worked in retail for 20 years. The trends dictated what I wore and how often I got new clothes (all the time).
My wardrobe was massive, yet I’d still scramble when I needed an outfit—unsure of what really looked good on me and how to put pieces together.
I had zero confidence in making my own choices. Tired of this never-ending cycle, 13 years ago I studied to become an Internationally Accredited Personal Stylist in order to get some control over this part of my life.
I learned the rules of colour and shape—but that wasn’t enough.
They were only partial answers and difficult to teach others.
There was something missing: A simple system I could apply daily to make dressing easy for me and my clients.
So I began to create one myself. I started recognising the reasons why certain things worked for certain people.
I questioned all the rules.
I took endless notes and years of compiling, sorting and experimenting. In time, I developed my own process—proven on client after client—that made style easy.
It became such a thing that I had to give it a name, so I called it “Boss of Your Wardrobe”— affectionately known as “Boss” for short.
It’s a roadmap that works for any woman, because it’s all based on your unique features. It helps you uncover your best colours, prints, cuts, lengths and accessories—and gives you a foolproof system of putting your entire wardrobe together.
“Something as simple as learning which kind of blonde actually suited my skin tone changed my life!”
Once I had created the systems that had me easily conquering my very own wardrobe, I couldn't help but spend my days teaching an online program that would have others becoming the Boss of their wardrobes too.
It puts you in charge of your clothing.
Because you should be the boss of your wardrobe.
Not the other way round.
After all, we all just want to look good, right now - in this moment, no matter how big, small, old or young we are. We are all busy and just need to get out of that door fast - while still looking amazing of course!
Nat xo