Part One - How To Cull This Autumn

It's Autumn—time for a well-thought-out wardrobe cull.

Before diving into the process, let's explore the how and why behind finding ourselves in this cycle of purchasing, not wearing, giving away (or selling), and then inexplicably acquiring similar items, if not the exact same ones.

Understanding this pattern is key to breaking free from the never-ending cycle. Let's unravel the mystery together in my video below.

As you navigate your way through this process, be kind to yourself.

Don't dwell on past choices; we've all been there. You're far from alone.

Acknowledge your evolution and recognise that it's time to bid farewell to the old you, making room for the refreshed and evolving version which going forward will be reflected in your new wardrobe. 

How to Cull:

STEP 1. Start with everything hanging. Empty your wardrobe, lay it all on your bed, maybe spill over onto the floor or across a few chairs. Whether it's spread across multiple rooms or not, everything must come out for a thorough assessment.

STEP 2. Grab groups of similar items at a time to begin with and hold them in your hand, Make this easier by simply asking yourself: "Would I still choose to buy this today?" and "Is it right for the person I am now?".

STEP 3. If you'd happily purchase the item today and it's still very much who you are now, evaluate its condition. If it's seen better days, it's time to bid farewell. However, keep in mind that your charity pile should be filled with items worthy of someone else's wear. Whether it becomes a cleaning rag or lines a dog kennel (bonus points if it still carries your scent), ensure it serves a purpose even beyond your wardrobe. 🐾

STEP 4. If it's made the cut, try it on. If you know it's too small, it's time to let it go. There is no point storing that kind of guilt in your wardrobe, if you want to lose a few centimeters, celebrate with a replacement item when the time is right. Redirect these items to your charity pile or share them with a friend—it's the best destination for them.

STEP 5. Items that work well in your wardrobe and you wear often can be hung back. Simultaneously, create a separate pile or designated space for items that still fit, are in good condition, but leave you unsure about styling. This way, you can easily identify pieces that might need a bit more thought or inspiration to incorporate into your regular rotation.




STEP 6. Usually, you will come across things that you haven't worn in a while, forget that you had, or didn't realise fitted you again. If you feel they can be added back into your regular wardrobe, separate them into a pile at the end of the bed to be turned into outfits once you have finished culling.

STEP 7. Now, extend the process to your drawers, shoe collection, and accessories. Repeat steps 1-6 for a comprehensive assessment and decluttering. Empty those spaces and let the same thoughtful evaluation guide your decisions. Let's ensure every corner of your wardrobe is a reflection of your evolving style.

Next head onto >>>

Part Two - The Art Of Culling And Curating So You Only Do It Once