What Kind Of Jeans Do I Like To Wear With My Blazers?

One of the biggest questions on Boss babes minds when they first join my Boss of your wardrobe program (other than "what colour is my skin really?") is "Where should I be shopping for my age?!".

It's a terrible feeling and one I remember having myself from around the age of about 34.

I couldn't imagine going through that sense of being lost and overwhelmed now (especially as I'm just about to hit 50).

But the truth is, you really can shop anywhere. There are no age rules when it comes to personal style.

It's all about knowing what to look for - not where.

Sign up to get my weekly newsletters on personal style, trends, and tips. PLUS you also get free access to my BOSS Style Library with a growing collection of mini-ebooks that you can save on your phone so you can take them wherever you go!

Little tips like the ones in my video below will keep you focused on what to look for rather than where.


Visit my YouTube channel for more video tutorials - Make It Look Easy Nat Tucker