Where Do I Shop?

Where should I shop?

That's one of the many questions my Boss program members had on their minds before joining.

The others were:

What should I buy?
Where should I buy it?
How do I wear it?
And how can I make my other clothes work for me even though I feel I have made a mistake?

Let's hear what they are saying now.

Pre boss - I've got nothing to wear!

Post boss: I've got too many awesome things to choose from I can't decide!!

Before Boss: sorry I can’t go (too much stress finding something to wear that I feel great in)
After Boss: I initiate the impromptu cocktail. Because I have so many great outfits I can put on in 5 mins and need reasons to wear them all

Before boss: I would be so excited to go out, get to my wardrobe and try on a minimum of 10 “outfits” get so flustered, my body would be hot, I’d be anxious and end up a mess of emotions and not go!

Now: I’ll use the words of someone who has only just met me when talking about our plans “I’ve only known you for a small amount of time but you seem to live a life that only most of us could dream of, you always look amazing”.

Before Boss response: I can’t possibly go. I have nothing to wear. Pull out entire wardrobe. Panic. Go. Wear all black.
Now: sure. I’ll be ready in 5mins. Only barrier is deciding what to wear from all the options.

Pre-Boss - I don’t do dresses and heels so not going.
Boss - damn - I can make anything look good !!

Have you been saving up to join my Boss program? How much is your wardrobe costing you? How much can I save you and for life! (mentally and financially).

Boss will solve your wardrobe overwhelm and have you know where to buy, what to buy and how to wear it. Along with how to fall in love with your current wardrobe.


P.S. Is it time for me to work closely with you in your wardrobe? Any questions at all? CLICK HERE for more information.