Find Out What Colours Suit You Through The Colour Of Your Eyes

Isn't it frustrating when you are standing there looking at a clothes rack trying to work out which item to grab to try on when someone leans in RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and grabs exactly what you were looking at?

I know, right? How rude.

But I guess they had one thing going for them that you didn't have. They were committed, knew what to grab and this for them took only seconds to do.

How about you become more stealth like, too?

You can do this by knowing which kind of colour suits you straight off without messing around wasting time on trying them all.

It's all in your eyes.

If your eyes are bright and clear, you suit brighter greens and if your eyes are more cloudy (I call it dirty), then you suit more go away greens like sage for instance (click the button at the bottom of this article to learn more about go away greens).

I have dirty green eyes (of which I love) so you will see by the photos below just which kind of green I collect everything in.

wearing muted dirty greens with skirt and jeans.jpg

 Watch this video to give you even more tips.

Are you wondering what go away greens are?