Hats and What Colour Works Best For You?

Getting ready for hat weather is easy when you use the science behind colour theory.



Hat colours dar light grey sage


A dark hat to contrast against my light hair and a light one to blend.

A sage green cap that disappears and a light grey cap that doesn't interfere with any other colour that I may be wearing.


Now you may be asking what’s a "go away green"? This is a green that disappears into your surroundings and blends into the natural world around you (part of nature) rather than adds any oompf or substance to your outfit. No one will notice a sage green cap.

So if you are looking to wear a hat for messy hair days or actual sun-smart cleverness - sage green is your man.

Now let’s talk about light grey - light grey is sophisticated, will be noticed, is a must-have for grey-haired ladies and will tone down bright colours. Light grey will not mess with any other colours you are wearing and loves being worn near bright colours.  

Light Grey Hat colour blends with outfit.PNG


A light grey hat will still stand out but won't compete with anything else you are wearing that is coloured.


I find that owning both a light and a dark straw hat gives me fabulous room to play depending on what I am wearing but some people could easily get away with owning only one. 

Fedora's are perfect for garden parties, winery luncheons, and beach weddings.

would you like to learn what fedora shape suits you?

Stay sun smart while looking fabulous.