Eye whites and how they help you build your perfect wardrobe

The way it works is that the whiter your eye whites are the more contrast there is against your skin and your iris allowing you to pull off much brighter and a much darker depth of colour.

So if you have bright white eye whites, you suit bright white as your best lightest neutral.

You can still wear off whites too but you are lucky in that you look amazing in bright white.

Then if you suit bright white perfectly, your best darkest neutral is black - although over time working with me you do learn so much about colour that you can become a navy/charcoal fan instead (but at least you know you look awesome in black).

If you have off-white eye whites as I do you then your best white is off white and your best dark neutral is navy and charcoal but you don't look very awesome in black at all.

This under 6-minute video will show you have to build your perfect wardrobe while using your eye whites as your guide.

Wanna learn what colours work best together to make your outfit really pop? Check out my Brilliant Colour Combinations e-book or our Ultimate Quick Starter Kit.