Key Things To Keep In Mind When Choosing A Scarf

You may be someone that suits smooth.

What does that mean?

It means you are lucky in that you can wear smooth fabrics and jewellery close to your face and it looks like it belongs back with you. Very even in strength.

So it's easy for you to wear both smooth and texture as you will always outshine either. 

I'm a textured girl so I look for texture in the fabrics that I wear close to my face which makes my complexion (age spots, redness, broken capillaries, and wrinkles) appear even, hair seem smooth and my eyes look bright and alive in comparison. 

The next crucial aspect of anything you wear close to your face, especially pieces that come up under your chin, is colour.

This is because the light reflects off the fabric and onto your face, influencing your overall skin tone.

I always collect amazing scarves in my skin tone of pink, as long as they are heavily textured or are in a print.

Then I collect scarf colours that work best with my eye colour like the red one above (You can use your brilliant colour combinations e book to work this one out).

Watch this quick video as I explain this more >>>  HERE.

AVOID anything around your neck that looks in any way as if you have done yourself an injury - wearing a neck brace is never fun so it's best not to remind others of the experience. 

Yep, I've done it all. Lessons learned 😎

Would you like to learn more about skin tones?