What Is A Cafe Coat?

So what is a cafe coat exactly?

It's essentially a blanket engineered to fit you like a coat to be grabbed for warmth on your way out the door to meet friends at a cafe.

The key is to first create a fabulously comfy yet spectacular outfit (as only Boss Babes can) and then layer it with what appears to be a blanket. 

green cafe coat

Your cafe coat can be worn done up or simply left open .

Once you arrive at the cafe, you can either pop it casually on the back of your chair, lay it across your lap for extra warmth (its short length means it won't drag on the floor in either circumstance), or just leave it on.

green cafe coat

The cafe coat is a daytime shrug coat, a versatile and stylish outerwear piece designed to offer a combination of warmth and fashion-forward appeal. 

Unlike a full-length coat or jacket, the cafe coat is designed to provide just enough coverage to keep you warm while adding a loose layer to your stylish outfit.

The cafe coat resembles a cardigan but with a more structured and tailored look.

brown cafe coat

You can choose your cafe coat to be a bright pop of print fun or a much more subtle neutral colour that pairs back easily with either soft neutrals or bright colours underneath. 

WHat colour coat should YOU buy?