The secret to Mixing Prints

Prints can be scary enough on their own! but man oh man can it give people heart palpitations when it comes to wearing two or more together.

So how can we try this ourselves without feeling kind of like a clown?

It is all about finding the colour (or colours) in common or the print in common.

How about you start with a couple of cushions on your couch and work your way up from there.

Me - Mix print New York framed 2013

New York 2013

A very subtle blush pink is the joining link to this paisley scarf and check shorts.

Me - mix prints framed April 2015

April 2015

The gold is the colour in common here.

mix prints framed Dec 2 2015

Dec 2015

This print mix is even more about the print in common than the colour in the image above. It is the tiny lines of black mascara pulling it together.

Me - mix prints framed Feb 2015

Feb 2015

Two colours in common, charcoal and blush pink in the tee shirt and the scarf in the outfit above.

Me - mix prints framed Jan 2015

Jan 2015

it’s the black in common in the cape and the tee-shirt here in the outfit above.

So you can kind of get the idea that if you buy a print item with similar colours to other print items that you already own, it will all tie together much easier.

Make sure that you don't only try this on yourself, but flood your home with print mixing too as it adds so much life.

Learning how to work with colour and print builds courage and with courage comes giving anything a go. It is through practice that you then become an expert.

Are you going to have a crack? 

Want to learn what colours work best together to make your outfit really pop? Check out my Brilliant Colour Combinations e-book.