We Don't Follow Trends, We Buy And Wear Things Forever

Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.
— Cree Indian Proverb

Looking into my wardrobe these days is fun.

Not just because it's so organised and I have such amazing pieces that all go together but also because I feel really good about the impact I'm having on the planet.

My personal impact on our landfill is so minimal due to reusing, recycling and reconsidering.

Now I know this isn't a top priority for everybody and that's just fine but I do like to lead by example and that means teaching you how to buy well the first time and how to wear it a million times.

Let's begin with this simple knit vest - that I bought last year (I do a weekly trend report inside my Boss program, the Boss babes know how to wear their current clothes differently and what to look out for depending on their colour type).

I've been able to refresh my print chiffon blouse (that I have owned for at least 5 years) by simply popping the "trend piece" over the top.

The blouse, the vest and the skirt all work together for me easily as they all suit my colouring and each other.

None of my clothes go in the dryer as I look after them with so much love. I've spent over 11 years perfecting my wardrobe system (and collecting only the best things for me), that I would hate to lose a piece through lack of care.

This knit vest will be another mainstay in my wardrobe for the many many many years still to come.

Let's have a look at some other ideas on wearing this "trend" piece in my video below.

Remember that nothing is just for a season, each purchase really should be for life! (kind of like buying a puppy) :)


Visit my YouTube channel for more video tutorials - Make It Look Easy Nat Tucker