Wearing Your Skin

Did you know that there are four skin colours? PINK, PEACH, ORANGE, and BLUE. 

I myself have pink skin so I know that wearing pink naturally looks amazing on me BUT!

I can also look naked while wearing pink if I don't hunt down pink items with some form of texture or are in a print.

Another thing I can also do is layer a scarf or necklace over the top to stop me from looking like I am only wearing my Birthday suit.

front porch droppies white street sneakers knit jumper blade curly hair

This knit (in the photo above) not only has arm cutouts, it is also ribbed which helps a lot with making sure I look like I am wearing something while giving my pink skin a natural lift.

In this > just over 3 minute video <I show you how it works even more.

Wanna learn what colours work best together to make your outfit really pop? Check out my Brilliant Colour Combinations e-book.

If you are trying to work out which colour your skin might be, start by trying on each of those 4 colours and see which one makes you look naked - HUGE TIP! make sure it's at the same level of your skin though as in light orange, lightest blue-grey, light peach, and light pink.

Nat xo